EV Charger Level 3

FAQ for EV Charger Level 3

Electric vehicle (EV) charging is segmented into three distinctive levels: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3, with the latter emerging as the pinnacle in terms of power and speed.

EV Charger Level 3 and charging stations, often referred to as fast charging stations, possess the capability to deliver an impressive range of power, ranging from 50 kilowatts (kW) to a formidable 400 kW, directly to your car’s battery.

When utilizing a fast charging station (Level 3 charging), the estimated timeframe for charging a medium-sized electric car falls within the range of 15 to 55 minutes. The cost associated with this fast-paced charging experience typically hovers between $25 and $50.

Labelled as DC charging, Level 3 charging distinguishes itself by the direct current (DC) conversion it employs. Unlike Level 1 and Level 2, which rely on alternating current (AC) from the grid, Level 3 stations ingeniously transform AC into DC before it reaches the vehicle. This maneuver circumvents the vehicle’s slower onboard converter, resulting in accelerated charging speeds.

With the gradual proliferation of electric mobility, electric cars and charging stations have become familiar fixtures on our roads and within our urban landscapes. However, for those new to the realm of electric cars or yet to acquaint themselves with this domain, the extensive array of new terms and concepts might seem daunting. This sense of overwhelm is accentuated by the often technical nature of these terminologies.

In the ever-evolving landscape of electric mobility, specifically within the charging infrastructure realm, a plethora of terms often swirls around, contributing to a certain level of confusion for drivers. Remarkably, amidst this apparent complexity, many of these terms essentially convey the same concept. What might be termed as Level 3 charging by some is synonymous with DC charging, quick charging, fast charging, ultra-fast charging, or even rapid charging.

At its core, these various designations all converge to describe charging stations that execute the vital function of converting the incoming current from alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC) before it channels into the vehicle. Yet, let’s delve deeper into the intricacies to uncover the mechanics behind this transformation.

To comprehend the mechanics of Level 3 charging, it’s pivotal to grasp the distinctions within electrical currents.

  • The power sourced from the grid perpetually flows as alternating current (AC).
  • EV batteries exclusively accommodate direct current (DC).
  • These factors underscore the necessity for a conversion from AC to DC at some point in the charging process to store energy within an EV’s battery.

In the context of Level 1 and Level 2 charging, this conversion is executed within the vehicle itself, facilitated by an onboard charger. In contrast, Level 3 charging orchestrates this transformation upstream, prior to power infiltration into the vehicle. This ingenious approach bypasses the relatively slower onboard charger, enabling a direct infusion of DC power into the EV’s battery. While Level 3 chargers manifest in diverse forms, a common thread unites them—the conversion transpires externally, beyond the vehicle’s confines.

By virtue of this conversion occurring prior to reaching the vehicle, Level 3 charging stations wield the prowess to bestow power at elevated velocities. Consequently, they transcend the capabilities of both Level 1 and Level 2 charging, ushering in a significantly swifter charging experience.

The inquiry of whether a Level 3 charger can be installed within the confines of one’s home requires a definitive response: No, unless your residence boasts an industrial-grade electrical connection. This limitation springs from the imperative need for incredibly high-powered current to facilitate the rapid charging speeds inherent to Level 3 chargers, scaling up to a remarkable 350 kW. To put things into perspective, the average energy consumption of a standard US household hovers around 30 kWh daily.

Notably, the prime advantages rendered by Level 3 charging stations align more aptly with their deployment in public and commercial domains. These stations serve as optimal solutions for swift recharges, catering to rapid top-ups as opposed to day-to-day charging routines.

Given their cost, which notably surpasses that of Level 1 or Level 2 counterparts, coupled with the intricate engineering behind their operation, Level 3 fast charging stations are notably ill-suited for installation within residential settings.

On the contrary, Level 2 EV charging stations emerge as an optimal match for home installation. For a deeper dive into the realm of home charging stations, an abundance of insights awaits your exploration here.

As alluded to earlier, Teslas distinguish themselves by relying on a manufacturer-specific connector for charging. Nevertheless, the EV landscape accommodates adapters that bridge the gap between Teslas and both public or home charging stations employing connectors distinct from the Tesla-specific variant. Additionally, adapters exist to facilitate the connection of non-Tesla EVs to Level 1 or Level 2 Tesla charging equipment.

The prevailing majority of EVs align with a common connector type. For Level 1 and Level 2 charging, the standard round port finds its name in the J1772 connector. The realm of fast-charging delves into SAE Combo or CCS, which augments the familiar J1772 socket of Level 1 and Level 2 charging with two supplementary pins, ushering in the prowess of DC fast-charging.

Amidst this mix, the third fast-charging connector emerges as CHAdeMO. While relatively fewer vehicles embrace this adapter, such as the Nissan Leaf, it’s essential to note that the Leaf still retains a J1772 port for Level 1 and Level 2 charging. Notably, Nissan is steering toward a shift from the CHAdeMO socket to CCS for its upcoming Ariya model.

NO, It’s important to note that Tesla Superchargers are exclusively tailored for charging Tesla vehicles. The Tesla Supercharger network stands as a proprietary ecosystem meticulously designed and deployed by Tesla solely for the benefit of Tesla customers.

The majority of EV charging networks extend a tempting proposition of reduced charging costs through enrollment in monthly or annual service plans, entailing a corresponding fee. Remarkably, if your utilization frequency surpasses once a month, the accrued savings typically surpass the expense of the monthly membership, rendering it a judicious financial move.

You can contact with us for wholesale price.

Numerous car manufacturers provide discounted or complimentary charging for specific durations within designated charging networks. In certain instances, an electric vehicle may arrive with the perk of unrestricted, cost-free charging for as long as three years, facilitated through a partnering network. It’s advisable to inquire with your dealership regarding the potential inclusion of discounted or free charging plans in connection with the EV you are contemplating.

If you find yourself in the market for a Level 3 EV charger, there are several crucial factors that warrant your attention before finalizing your purchase decision. In this guide, we will delve into the key considerations to bear in mind when selecting a Level 3 charger tailored to your business requirements.

Power Output
The power output of a Level 3 charger is typically quantified in kilowatts (kW). The potency of this output directly influences the speed at which your charger will infuse your electric vehicle with energy. As you assess potential chargers, it is prudent to factor in the battery size of your electric vehicle. While a higher power output promises swifter charging, it’s important to balance this against the potential cost implications.

Voltage and Amperage
The voltage and amperage specifications of Level 3 chargers are vital indicators of their charging capability. Most Level 3 chargers function at 480 volts, with the amperage rating dictating the quantum of current the charger can deliver. Opting for a charger with a higher amperage rating will inevitably result in a more expeditious charge cycle. During your evaluation, ensure the compatibility of the charger’s voltage and amperage with your specific electric vehicle. It’s worth noting that not all chargers exhibit universal compatibility, and certain types may not align with certain electric vehicle models.

Connector Type
Level 3 chargers commonly employ either a J1772 connector or a CHAdeMO connector. To discern the appropriate connector for your vehicle, a prudent step is to refer to your electric vehicle’s owner’s manual or the manufacturer’s official resources. For those situated in the United States, the J1772 connector is likely requisite. Once you have identified the suitable connector type, it is imperative to verify that the potential charger under consideration is outfitted with the correct connector interface for seamless compatibility with your electric vehicle.

The process of selecting a Level 3 EV charger may initially appear formidable, but it need not be a daunting endeavor. By thoughtfully contemplating factors such as power output, voltage and amperage specifications, and connector type, you will be poised to streamline your options and identify the optimal Level 3 charger that aligns harmoniously with your electric vehicle and operational needs.

When it comes to incorporating electric vehicle (EV) chargers into your business infrastructure, a thoughtful approach is key. At WattLogic, we stand as seasoned authorities in all matters EV, poised to guide you in selecting the optimal EV charger tailored to your distinct requirements. Moreover, we will explore potential eligibility for federal incentives and utility rebates, ensuring a streamlined and cost-effective transition.

Capacity Consideration – The pivotal first step lies in gauging the level of use your charger will experience. If your business boasts an extensive fleet of EVs, a high-capacity charger that accommodates multiple vehicles simultaneously is a requisite. Conversely, if your EV presence is modest, a lower capacity charger may be apt.

Strategic Location – Deliberating the charger’s location is equally vital. If it’s slated for indoor installation, proper ventilation is paramount. In the case of outdoor deployment, the charger must be resilient against the elements, enduring sun, rain, and snow alike.

Electrical Empowerment – Delving into the electrical capacity of the charger is yet another critical consideration. This parameter directly influences the speed at which the charger replenishes an EV’s energy. A higher electrical capacity translates to a swifter charge, whereas a lower capacity entails a lengthier charging period.

Is the prospect of integrating an EV charger within your business premises enticing? Look no further than ChargersGO for unparalleled expertise. With our comprehensive understanding of all things EV, we’re primed to steer you toward the ideal EV charger, aligned with your budget and unique demands. Additionally, we’ll explore potential avenues for federal incentives and utility rebates that can assuage the costs associated with installation and utilization.

A Level 3 charger boasts an impressive power output range of 50 kW to 350 kW, translating into a remarkable achievement—delivering up to 20 miles of range per minute to an electric vehicle (EV). This extraordinary speed is made possible not only by the charger’s ability to transmit electricity swiftly but also by its proficiency in transferring the energy in a form that the EV can readily absorb and store.

While electricity courses through the power grid in an alternating current (AC), most batteries, whether in disposable items, your phone, or your car, rely on direct current (DC). As a result, a conversion process must take place before the electricity can replenish your battery. Level 1 and Level 2 chargers depend on the EV’s built-in converter to execute this transformation. However, Level 3 chargers boast an internal AC-to-DC conversion mechanism, enabling them to channel the current directly to an EV at a considerably accelerated rate compared to the vehicle’s native converter capabilities.

The swiftness inherent to a Level 3 charging station underscores its potential as an invaluable asset for EV owners and drivers, provided effective management. If you’re contemplating the integration of Level 3 chargers at a charging destination, it’s essential to recognize that alongside the hardware, the right software infrastructure is equally crucial for seamless and efficient operation.

When it comes to fast charging, electric car manufacturers predominantly rely on two widely used connectors: CHAdeMO and SAE Combo (also known as CCS, which stands for “Combo Charging System”).

It’s important to note that these two connectors are not interchangeable. In other words, a car equipped with a CHAdeMO port cannot utilize an SAE Combo plug for charging, and vice versa. This distinction is akin to a gasoline-powered vehicle being unable to refuel at a diesel pump.

The third significant connector belongs to Tesla. This unique connector is utilized for both level 2 and level 3 Supercharger Tesla charging stations, exclusively catering to Tesla vehicles.

The variety of connectors underscores the complexity of the EV charging landscape, emphasizing the importance of understanding compatibility when it comes to charging your electric vehicle.

Ever wondered just how significant the speed difference is between various EV charging levels? Let’s examine the charging times for a Tesla Model 3 to better grasp the disparity:

Level 1 Charger (1.9 kW): Up to 35 hours
Level 2 Charger (11-22 kW): Between 3 to 6 hours
Level 3 (DC Fast Charging) (50 – 350 kW): Less than 30 minutes
This comparison underscores the remarkable speed advantage of Level 3 (DC Fast Charging), making it the go-to choice for swift and efficient charging, especially when time is of the essence.

In today’s realm of electric vehicles (EVs), drivers are presented with three distinct charging options: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Among these, Level 3 charging, often hailed as fast charging or DC charging, reigns supreme, enabling certain EVs to achieve a full charge within a mere 15 minutes.

At the heart of the matter lies the power output that emanates from the charging station, determining the crucial factor of charging times. An inherent correlation prevails—greater output translates to swifter charges. Correspondingly, a higher charging level corresponds to elevated power output. Let’s delve into a succinct breakdown of these three charging levels:

Level 1 Charging
Positioned as the slowest (and least recommended) method, Level 1 charging primarily caters to instances where a charging station isn’t available. Operating by plugging an EV into a standard wall outlet, the output of Level 1 charging stations ranges from 1.3 kilowatts (kW) to 2.4 kW, furnishing approximately 3 to 5 miles (6 to 8 kilometers) of range per hour.

Level 2 Charging
Stepping up the pace, Level 2 charging stations deliver a more expedited charging experience compared to Level 1. Supplying EVs with power ranging from 7.4 kW to 22 kW, these stations are a frequent sight in public parking lots, making them an attractive choice for businesses venturing into EV charging or electrifying their vehicle fleets. Furthermore, home EV charging stations fall under the Level 2 category. Operating at a maximum output of 22 kW, an hour of charging equates to roughly 75 miles (120 km) of travel distance.

Level 3 Charging
The epitome of velocity in today’s charging landscape, Level 3 charging stations are designed for swiftness. Capable of delivering power ranging from 50 kW to an astounding 400 kW, an hour’s charge at a Level 3 station injects anywhere from 173 miles (278 km) to 298 miles (480 km) of range, contingent on the power output harnessed.

For a more comprehensive understanding of the distinctions encompassing these three EV charging levels, a detailed exploration is available in this enlightening blog that dissects the intricacies of EV charging tiers.

In the realm of electric vehicle charging, a general rule holds that Level 3 charging will consistently command a higher price tag compared to Level 1 and Level 2 counterparts. As of the time of composing this article, the median cost for a comprehensive Level 3 charging session typically falls within the range of $25 to $50.

Opting for Level 3 charging entails a twofold expenditure: firstly, you invest in the advantage of expedited charging for your electric vehicle. Simultaneously, your payment contributes to the charge point operator’s commitment to establishing the infrastructure, a venture that invariably incurs substantially greater costs in contrast to Level 1 and Level 2 charging setups.

Level 3 charging harmonizes seamlessly with the majority of contemporary EVs. Nevertheless, the extent of power that each vehicle can accommodate diverges significantly, pivoting upon the characteristics of its battery.

The spectrum spans from batteries capable of absorbing an impressive 350 kWh to those confined to a modest 50 kW intake. However, a subset of vehicles, particularly those equipped with smaller batteries or originating from earlier model years—such as the Smart EQ Fortwo—may not be suited for Level 3 EV charging.

For Tesla proprietors, a unique avenue unfolds through their dedicated Level 3 charging infrastructure, aptly titled “Superchargers”. Yet, it’s worth noting that Tesla owners can also leverage standard Level 3 chargers, although specific models may necessitate an adapter for compatibility.

Curious about your vehicle’s battery capacity and the upper limit of charging power it can accommodate? Satisfy your curiosity by referencing this resource for precise insights.

In an era where electric vehicles (EVs) progressively embrace affordability and comparable performance to their gasoline counterparts, their adoption is witnessing a meteoric surge year after year. To expedite the widespread integration of electric mobility, the charging experience must effortlessly mirror the quick convenience of a traditional gas station pit stop.

While an increasing number of EVs boast the capability to achieve a full charge in less than an hour using Level 3 charging, and emerging fast chargers are unleashing even greater power potential with charging capacities of up to 400 kW, there’s an imperative to propel Level 3 charging into an era of availability, accessibility, and ubiquity, on par with the prevalence of gas stations.

Evidently, one of the predominant hurdles impeding prospective EV drivers from transitioning to electric vehicles is the lingering specter of range anxiety—an apprehension linked to the possibility of being stranded without a charging option when needed most.

With the advent of a comprehensive network of Level 3 charging stations, the landscape of fast charging will witness an exponential accessibility boost for EV owners, ultimately dispelling range anxiety. As this technology further permeates accessibility, a multitude of forecasts portends the imminent ascendancy of electric mobility within the next several years.

Unveiling the Companion Chargers: A Closer Look

Within the realm of electric vehicles, each model is accompanied by a portable charger. These charging companions encompass a spectrum, ranging from Level 1 to Level 2, and include variants equipped with adapters, allowing versatile connectivity to both Level 1 and Level 2 outlets. While some portable chargers suffice as the sole charging solution for EV owners, certain scenarios may necessitate a more potent charging alternative. This prompts a pivotal evaluation of the standard charger’s power output, scrutinizing its alignment with one’s charging requisites, contingent on daily mileage.

It’s paramount to scrutinize the efficacy of your standard charger, determining its adequacy or need for enhancement based on your typical daily driving distances.

Indeed, Tesla offers a $400 adapter tailored for Tesla owners, granting them the capability to seamlessly connect to CHAdeMO DC fast chargers. Further expanding this access, Tesla is set to introduce a Combo adapter, enabling Tesla owners to harness the potential of DC Fast chargers that adhere to the Combo standard. Notably, Tesla to Combo adapters have already made their debut in Europe, with a distinct version for the North American Combo plug, reflecting slight differences that prompted the development of a separate adapter.

If you find yourself exploring the realm of electric vehicle (EV) chargers, you’ve likely encountered the terms “Level 2” and “Level 3.” But what exactly do these terms signify, and which charger type aligns with your needs? We’re here to delve into the world of Level 3 EV chargers – elucidating their essence, functionality, and the rationale behind considering them as an investment.

A Level 3 EV charger claims the title of the swiftest charging variant, boasting the capability to replenish an EV’s battery at a pace of 3 to 20 miles of range per minute. Notably, Level 3 chargers distinguish themselves by utilizing direct current (DC), deviating from the standard alternating current (AC). This distinctive feature empowers Level 3 chargers to facilitate much speedier charging compared to their Level 1 or Level 2 counterparts.

If you find yourself exploring the realm of electric vehicle (EV) chargers, you’ve likely encountered the terms “Level 2” and “Level 3.” But what exactly do these terms signify, and which charger type aligns with your needs? We’re here to delve into the world of Level 3 EV chargers – elucidating their essence, functionality, and the rationale behind considering them as an investment.

A Level 3 EV charger claims the title of the swiftest charging variant, boasting the capability to replenish an EV’s battery at a pace of 3 to 20 miles of range per minute. Notably, Level 3 chargers distinguish themselves by utilizing direct current (DC), deviating from the standard alternating current (AC). This distinctive feature empowers Level 3 chargers to facilitate much speedier charging compared to their Level 1 or Level 2 counterparts.

The outcome is an unparalleled efficiency and rapidity in Level 3 EV charging, surpassing other charging alternatives. Furthermore, these chargers often showcase compatibility with a broader array of EV models, granting a versatile charging solution. For those seeking the ultimate blend of speed and convenience in their EV charging journey, a Level 3 charger stands as the optimal choice. With their ability to swiftly and efficiently charge an EV, Level 3 chargers are particularly well-suited for extensive road trips or individuals necessitating rapid and efficient EV charging.

There are multiple compelling reasons to opt for a Level 3 charger instead of a Level 2 charger. To begin, as highlighted earlier, Level 3 chargers exhibit an impressive capacity to charge electric vehicles at a significantly accelerated rate compared to Level 2 chargers – a disparity that can sometimes amount to up to 10 times faster charging.

Moreover, if you happen to oversee a business with a fleet of multiple EVs, embracing a Level 3 charger can serve as a strategic move to swiftly expand your vehicle lineup without being encumbered by protracted charging durations. Lastly, for individuals frequently embarking on long-distance journeys, the allure of a Level 3 charger lies in the assurance that rapid battery replenishment is readily accessible if the need arises.

As you contemplate the prospect of acquiring an EV charger, the paramount consideration lies in selecting the charger type that aligns seamlessly with your specific requirements. If your pursuit involves a rapid, high-powered charger capable of rejuvenating an electric vehicle within minutes, then a Level 3 charger emerges as the ideal choice. Although Level 3 chargers generally carry a higher price tag than their counterparts, their ability to deliver swift and efficient charging can undoubtedly justify the investment.

The surge in the electric vehicle (EV) market is paralleled by the escalating demand for Level 3 EV chargers. These high-powered chargers necessitate dedicated circuits capable of accommodating substantial current levels, underscoring the imperative for professional electricians to oversee installation.

Despite its pivotal role, the electric vehicle charging infrastructure is frequently overlooked in the EV transition. Level 3 chargers, colloquially termed DC Fast Chargers, outpace their Level 2 counterparts in charging speed, representing a pivotal leap in charging technology.

Tailored for Tesla electric vehicles, Tesla Superchargers can rejuvenate a Tesla car up to 80% in a mere 30 minutes. Additional industry players manufacturing Level 3 chargers encompass ChargePoint, Blink, and EVgo.

Contrasting Level 2 chargers, which are compatible with various electric vehicles, Level 3 chargers harness heightened power to expedite charging processes significantly. For instance, a Tesla Model S can rejuvenate from 0 to 80% within half an hour via a Tesla Supercharger—a feat requiring several hours using a Level 2 charger.

The burgeoning population of electric vehicles necessitates an unwavering charging infrastructure to cater to their needs. Level 3 chargers form a pivotal component of this infrastructure, poised to proliferate in the foreseeable future.

While Level 3 EV chargers outshine their Level 2 counterparts in prowess, their price tags are loftier. However, recent years have witnessed a decline in prices due to technological advancements and lowered manufacturing costs. A quality Level 3 EV charger, including installation and requisite permitting expenses, can range from $10,000 to $80,000.

Naturally, the precise cost hinges on factors such as charger selection and local electricity rates. Nevertheless, even at the higher end of the spectrum, this investment pales in comparison to the long-term dividends of fast EV charging. This not only translates to fuel savings, but also aligns with efforts to curtail greenhouse gas emissions, fostering a cleaner environment for generations to come.

For those contemplating the acquisition of a Level 3 DC fast charger, it’s imperative to acquaint oneself with diverse installation requisites and costs associated with varying charger models. The path to a rapid charging future is illuminated by these considerations, propelling us into an era where electric mobility surges forward.

Navigating EV Charging Options: Comparing Level 3 Chargers to Alternatives

While Level 3 charging stations stand out as the speed champions, it’s important to note that they aren’t the sole choice available for both commercial and residential setups. Let’s delve into the speed, cost, and complexity differences between Level 3 charging stations and their alternatives.

Level 1 Charging Stations Comparison
Level 1 charging stations, often termed portable charger cables, are frequently included with the purchase of an EV. These cables transfer electricity at a much slower pace compared to Level 3 chargers, maxing out at 2.4 kW. This leisurely rate could potentially take days to fully charge a typical EV battery. However, Level 1 chargers offer a significant advantage—they can be plugged into standard 120V outlets. Due to their convenience and absence of installation costs, these cables might suit the needs of short-distance or infrequent commuters perfectly.

Level 2 Charging Stations Comparison
For many scenarios, Level 2 chargers strike a balance between cost and speed. They can supply anywhere from 3 kW to just under 20 kW of AC power to EVs, translating to approximately 30 to 50 km (20 to 30 miles) of range per hour of charging. Although slower than Level 3 chargers, Level 2 chargers can effectively replenish an EV’s battery if left parked at a mall for a few hours or overnight in a garage. The advantage lies in their compatibility with standard 240V outlets, commonly used for appliances like clothes dryers. Consequently, the installation costs for Level 2 chargers are notably more economical than those of Level 3.

No matter your charging infrastructure needs—whether managing a diverse array of chargers from different manufacturers, building your own EV charging enterprise, or setting up your initial location—you require the right software to oversee it all. At ChargeLab, we’re developing the most robust and secure EV charging software, built on open standards for seamless compatibility with leading hardware. Get in touch with us today to explore how you can join other industry leaders on our intuitive platform.

You might often hear that the sluggish charging speeds of electric vehicles (EVs) have hindered their dominance over internal combustion cars. While there is truth in this assertion, the issue is more complex than it appears. The true problem arises when Level 1 or Level 2 EV chargers are chosen as the primary means of extending range in public areas. These chargers, being the slowest option, can impede the widespread adoption of EVs if they are preferred over Level 3 EV chargers in strategic locations or along travel routes.

The crux of the matter is that EV drivers need swift charging capabilities during long journeys. As the comparison table above illustrates, even Level 2 chargers fall short of providing the required speed for prompt recharging. While Level 1 and Level 2 chargers have their place for home use and overnight charging, Level 3 chargers can be likened to gas stations – they might not be ideal for residential installation, yet they are indispensable for ensuring your vehicle is ready for the road in a reasonable time frame. Just as you wouldn’t install a gas station on your property, having access to Level 3 chargers is crucial for making the most of your EV’s capabilities.

Our EV Charger Factory Introduction:

Business Type:Manufacturer/FactoryMain Products:EV Charger
Number of Employees:100Year of Establishment:2014.05
Production Capacity

5000Set/YearAfter-sales Service:Technical Support; on-line teach lessons
R&D Capacity:

ODM, OEMAnnual Output Value:US$5 Million – US$10 Million
No. of R&D Staff:5No. of Production Lines:6

ChargersGO Factory is a reputable manufacturer specializing in Electric Vehicle (EV) Chargers. Our extensive product range includes slow chargers, fast chargers, DC EV Chargers, AC EV Chargers, commercial EV Chargers, home chargers, and EV chargers of various levels, including level 1, level 2, and level 3. All our products adhere to strict China GMP design standards, ensuring top-notch quality and performance. Additionally, we take pride in securing various certifications to ensure the reliability and safety of our chargers.

Business Philosophy  

“Quality is the main policy of sales” and “integrity is the principle of success” are the business philosophy of our people.  We carry out one-year warranty, lifelong maintenance service, with technical consultation and other services, and long-term supply of equipment. Welcome new and old customers to negotiate cooperation!  

Production Process:

The production of an Electric Vehicle (EV) charger entails a meticulous process aimed at delivering top-notch quality, safety, and performance. It involves several essential stages:

  • Design and Engineering: Expert engineers and designers collaborate to create a comprehensive blueprint for the EV charger. They consider factors like power capacity, safety features, charging protocols, and compatibility with various electric vehicle models.
  • Component Sourcing: After finalizing the design, the production team sources high-quality components and materials required for the charger. These may include circuit boards, connectors, casing materials, power modules, and safety components, ensuring reliability and longevity.
  • Circuit Board Assembly: The heart of the EV charger lies in its circuit board, which controls the charging process and ensures safety. Advanced Surface Mount Technology (SMT) machines precisely place electronic components on the circuit board, with certain elements carefully assembled by skilled technicians.
  • Casing and Enclosure: The charger’s casing is vital for protecting against external elements and ensuring user safety. Durable materials like aluminum or robust plastics are often used, and manufacturing techniques like injection molding create the charger’s sturdy enclosure.
  • Quality Control: Rigorous quality control checks are conducted throughout the production process to identify any defects or inconsistencies. Chargers undergo multiple tests to ensure functionality and safety compliance. Quality control specialists meticulously examine each unit to meet industry standards.
  • Safety Testing and Certifications: Before the chargers hit the market, they undergo rigorous safety testing and certifications. Electrical safety, thermal, and environmental tests ensure the chargers can perform reliably in diverse conditions.
  • Final Assembly and Packaging: Successfully passing all tests and certifications, the chargers proceed to final assembly and packaging. They are carefully packaged with user manuals and any necessary accessories.
  • Distribution and Installation: The chargers are distributed to retailers, charging network operators, or directly to end customers. Upon receiving them, they are installed at charging stations or offered to electric vehicle owners for home charging.
  • Customer Support and Maintenance: Manufacturers provide ongoing customer support and maintenance services to ensure the chargers continue to perform optimally. This includes troubleshooting assistance, firmware updates, and periodic inspections.

By adhering to this comprehensive production process, EV charger manufacturers ensure that their products are efficient, reliable, and safe, contributing to the broader adoption of electric vehicles and sustainable transportation.

By following a well-structured production process and adhering to strict quality standards, manufacturers can produce high-quality EV chargers that contribute to the growth of electric mobility and a greener, sustainable future.



Small EV Charger Packing:

Retail and Wholesale Packaging of Small EV Chargers for Shipment

Retail Small EV Charger Shipment:

For retail orders, Small EV Chargers are shipped using express shipping methods.

Wholesale Small EV Charger Shipment:

For wholesale orders, Small EV Chargers are carefully packed in export fumigation-free wooden cases, suitable for bulk shipments or container transportation.

  • Packing Small EV Chargers for Sea Shipment:
    When preparing Small EV Chargers for sea shipment, utmost care is taken to ensure their protection from potential damage during transit. Here are the standard steps followed by manufacturers when packing Small EV Chargers for sea shipment:
  • Cleaning and Drying: Prior to packing, each charger is thoroughly cleaned and dried to prevent any moisture or debris that could cause harm during transit.
  • Disassembly: Where possible, the charger is disassembled into its individual components, reducing its overall size and facilitating easier packing.
  • Protective Wrapping: The charger is wrapped in a layer of protective material, such as bubble wrap or foam, shielding it from scratches and potential impacts during transit.
  • Sturdy Packaging: The wrapped charger is then placed into a sturdy box specifically chosen to match the charger’s size and weight. These boxes are constructed from durable materials, such as corrugated cardboard or plywood, capable of withstanding the demands of sea transportation.
  • Cushioning: Adequate packing material, such as packing peanuts or air pillows, is added inside the box to provide cushioning and prevent the charger from shifting during transit.
  • Secure Sealing: The box is securely sealed using high-quality packing tape, ensuring it remains tightly closed throughout the journey.
  • Proper Labeling: Each box is clearly labeled with essential information, including the charger’s name, weight, destination address, and contact details.

The primary objective of these packing measures is to safeguard the Small EV Chargers from any potential damage during sea shipment, ensuring they arrive at their destination in optimal condition. Employing correct packing procedures and utilizing high-quality materials minimizes the risk of harm during the journey.

Packing a Large EV Charger for Sea Shipment: Ensuring a Safe Voyage

Packing a large EV charger for sea shipment is a meticulous and demanding process, but with meticulous planning and precision, it can be done effectively to guarantee its safe arrival at the destination. Below are the essential steps a manufacturer may undertake when preparing a large machine for sea shipment:

  • Comprehensive Cleaning and Preparation: Prior to packing, the EV charger undergoes thorough cleaning and preparation. All fluids, such as oil or coolant, are drained, and any detachable parts are removed.
  • Disassembly for Efficiency: If feasible, the machine is disassembled into its component parts, reducing its overall size and easing the packing process. Each part is carefully labeled and numbered for easy reassembly at the destination.
  • Protection for Fragile Parts: Delicate or fragile components are meticulously wrapped in protective material, such as bubble wrap or foam, to shield them from potential damage during transit.
  • Custom Crate Construction: A custom-built crate is crafted around the machine, providing a secure and robust enclosure. The crate is constructed using durable materials, like plywood, and tailored to snugly fit the machine. Braces or supports are incorporated to prevent any movement during transit.
  • Cushioning Material Addition: The crate is thoughtfully filled with cushioning material, such as packing peanuts or air pillows, to offer additional protection and prevent the machine from shifting during its voyage.
  • Secure Fastening: The EV charger is firmly fastened within the crate, ensuring it remains in place throughout the journey. Straps, bolts, or other reliable fasteners are utilized to hold the machine securely.
  • Sealing and Clear Labeling: The crate is securely sealed using high-quality packing tape, and it is clearly labeled with essential information, including the machine’s name, weight, and relevant details. The destination address and contact information are prominently marked for easy identification.

Overall, packing a large EV charger for sea shipment demands precision and adherence to proper procedures. Employing high-quality materials and meticulous attention to detail ensures the machine’s safe and intact arrival at its intended destination. For added assurance, consulting a professional packing and shipping company can guarantee the machine is expertly packed and ready for its sea journey.

11kw ev charger-transport package 1
11kw ev charger-transport package 1

Installing an Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger requires careful planning and consideration to ensure a safe and efficient charging experience. Here is a step-by-step guide to the installation process:

  • Site Assessment: The first step is to assess the site where the EV charger will be installed. Factors to consider include the proximity to the electrical panel, available space, and access to the parking area. Additionally, the electrical capacity of the property must be evaluated to ensure it can handle the charger’s power requirements.
  • Selecting the Charger: Choose the appropriate EV charger based on your vehicle’s charging needs and the electrical infrastructure available at the site. There are various options, including Level 1 chargers (120-volt outlets), Level 2 chargers (240-volt outlets), and Level 3 chargers (fast DC charging stations).
  • Obtaining Permits: Check local regulations and obtain any necessary permits for the installation. Some areas may require electrical permits or compliance with specific building codes.
  • Electrical Panel Upgrades (if required): Depending on the chosen charger and the available electrical capacity, an electrical panel upgrade may be necessary to accommodate the charger’s power requirements. A licensed electrician can help with this process.
  • Running Wiring and Cabling: Properly run the required wiring and cabling from the electrical panel to the charging location. It’s essential to use appropriate cable gauges and follow safety standards to ensure the charger receives the correct power supply.
  • Mounting the Charger: Securely mount the EV charger on the wall or a suitable stand, ensuring it is positioned at the desired charging location and easily accessible for EV owners.
  • Connecting the Charger: Carefully connect the charger to the wiring and cabling, following the manufacturer’s instructions and safety guidelines. Double-check all connections for accuracy and tightness.
  • Testing and Activation: Before commissioning the charger, perform thorough testing to ensure it functions correctly and safely. Test the charger with an electric vehicle to ensure it can initiate and complete the charging process.
  • User Training: If the EV charger is part of a public or shared charging station, provide user instructions and any necessary training to ensure users can operate the charger correctly.
  • Signage and Markings: Install appropriate signage and markings to indicate the EV charging station’s location and any usage instructions.
  • Ongoing Maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain the EV charger to ensure it remains in optimal working condition. Periodic inspections by a qualified technician can help identify and address any potential issues promptly.

It is crucial to have a licensed electrician perform the installation to ensure compliance with electrical codes and safety standards. Additionally, some EV charger manufacturers offer professional installation services, which can provide peace of mind and ensure a smooth and trouble-free installation process.

Applications of EV Charger Level 3

EV Charger Level 3 serve essential applications:

Some common applications of Level 3 EV chargers include:

  • Highway and Travel Routes: Level 3 chargers are strategically placed along highways and major travel routes to offer EV drivers the ability to quickly recharge their vehicles during long trips. This helps alleviate range anxiety and encourages EV adoption for long-distance travel.
  • Urban Charging Hubs: Level 3 chargers are often installed in urban areas, city centers, and public parking lots. These locations cater to drivers who need to recharge their vehicles quickly while running errands or during short stops.
  • Commercial Fleets: Businesses with electric vehicle fleets benefit from Level 3 chargers, as they allow multiple vehicles to be rapidly charged, enabling efficient operation without prolonged downtime.
  • Public Charging Stations: Level 3 chargers are a valuable addition to public charging networks, providing a convenient option for EV drivers who require fast charging while shopping, dining, or engaging in other activities.
  • Transit Stations: Charging stations equipped with Level 3 chargers can be found at transit stations, providing rapid charging solutions for electric buses, shuttles, and other forms of electric public transportation.
  • Fast-Charging Corridors: Some regions establish fast-charging corridors equipped with Level 3 chargers to facilitate long-distance travel for EV drivers, encouraging intercity and interstate journeys.
  • Airports: Airports often install Level 3 chargers in their parking facilities to cater to travelers who require quick charging upon arriving or before departing.
  • Hotel and Lodging Facilities: Hotels and lodging facilities may offer Level 3 chargers to accommodate guests with electric vehicles who need a fast recharge during their stay.
  • Rental Car Services: Car rental companies can incorporate Level 3 chargers into their fleets to ensure that rented electric vehicles are promptly recharged for the next customer.
  • Workplace Charging: Some workplaces install Level 3 chargers to provide employees with the option of a fast charge during working hours, supporting their EV adoption.

In essence, Level 3 EV chargers are vital for scenarios where EVs need to be charged quickly and efficiently to meet the demands of busy individuals, travelers, commercial operators, and public transportation services.

It is appplicable for all kinds of charing protocols, Suitable for all kinds of new energy vehicles on the market,Applicable to a variety of electric vehicles, electric buses,Forklift,golf cartsightseeing cartractor, etc.

CHAdeMONissan leaf&NV200, KIA soul, CITRONEN C-Zero%Bendingo, Peu geot On, Mitsubishi l-Mev&outlander, Geely TX electric Taxi,Zero Motorcycles, Tesla Mode S(need adapter)
CCSBMW i3,VW e-golf&e-up, Jaguar ipace, Tesla model 3, Hyundai
ioniq&kona, Audi e-tron, OPEL ampere e, Chevrolet spark, Geely TX electric Taxi,Ford focus, Renault new Zoe
GB/TBYD, BAIC,Chery, Geely, Aion S, MG, Xiao Peng, JAC, Zotype etc.
EV Charger - appplicable module

suitable for occasions such as city special charging stations that provide charging for bus, taxi,public service vehicles,sanitation vehicles,logistics vehicles, etc.; city public charging stations that provide charging for private carscommuterbus;intercity highway charging stations and other occasions that need special DC fast charging.

  • Our design and manufacture proprietary technology that provides very fast charging for drivers on long highway drives. Most level 3 chargers provide 80% of the charge in 30 minutes.

level 3 ev charger

The Features of Level 3 EV Charger:

Direct Connection: Level 3 DC charging is directly connected to the battery of the electric vehicle. Thus, without AC to DC conversion, the battery charging time is reduced from the 10 or 20 hours required for level 1 charging to about 20 minutes. You can plug your car into a level 3 charger, go to a rest stop restaurant for a cup of coffee, and use a fully charged battery.

Ideal choice for commercial application fleet: Because of the Level 3 charging is very fast, it is ideal for taxi companies or companies operating large electric fleets that require fast turnaround times. Electric buses, concierge vehicles and trucks also benefit from DC fast charging. Currently, most level 3 charging stations can be found at taxi and bus stops, airports and similar places. This is despite the fact that electric car company Tesla is embarking on a campaign to build an extensive international network of level 3 charging stations.

  • Software supports remote monitoring, data analysis and detailed reporting
  • High quality hardware with redundancy and durability
  • Advanced driver experience, including mobile app
  • Provide 24/7 support for you and your driver
  • Assure Maintenance and Support package
  • Site design, evaluation and project management services

cost of level 3 charger:

DC30KWNOSingleUS$6,400.001CCS2/Chademo optional
CCS2+Chademo optional
CCS2+Chademo optional
CCS2+Chademo optional
DC+AC60KWYesThreeUS$19,538.001CHAdeMO(DC) & CCS(DC) & Type2(AC)
DC+AC120KWYesThreeUS$29,069.001CHAdeMO(DC) & CCS(DC) & Type2(AC)
DC+AC180KWYesThreeUS$36,153.001CHAdeMO(DC) & CCS(DC) & Type2(AC)

3 types of DC Fast Charging; CCS 1 , CCS2, CHAdeMO:

The CCS system uses a DC charge of up to 200 kW. Although, as we mentioned above, we also plan to introduce ultra-fast charging stations of 350 kW.

CHAdeMO is an international organization dedicated to the adoption of electric vehicles.Although the organization is based in France, the CHAdeMO agreement is based on now-patented technology developed by Japan’s Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO).The technology allows for high-voltage, high-current rapid charging of electric vehicles through proprietary DC connectors.

Suitable for Car Brands:

Almost all the electric car, minibus, bus, van vehicles are suitable. Please contact with our sales team to confirm the right models.


They are suitable for occasions such as city special charging stations that provide charging for bus, taxi, public service vehicles, sanitation vehicles,logistics vehicles, etc.; city public charging stations that provide charging for private cars, commuter, bus; intercity highway charging stations and other occasions that need special DC fast charging. EV Bus station, Highway gas, sevice station, Parking garage, commercial operators, EV infrastructure operations and service providers, EV dealer workshops.

32a ev charger application pictures

Here we list down some of application scenarios:

  • Business organizations:    Supermarket, Shopping mall, Hotel, Restaurant, Pharmacy
  • Non-profit organizations:    Airport, Railway / bus station, Exhibition, Museum, Hospital, School, Convention center, Lottery station,     Government affairs center
  • Financial organizations:    Bank, Insurance company, Foundation, Security company
  • Entertainments:    Movie theater, Club, Bar, Salon, Gambling house 

Suitable for Car Brands:

Almost all the electric car, minibus, bus, van vehicles are suitable. Please contact with our sales team to confirm the right models.


In the course of transportation, the charger should be packed firmly and intact ina solid wooden packing box, and the direction of loading and unloading should be marked. The charger should not be stored and transported upside down. In the course of transportation, corresponding tightening measures should be taken to avoid strong vibration and bump damage to the outer packaging of equipment. After arrival of the goods, user should check whether there is any damage. If there is any transport damage, user should consult with the transport party or our ompany to solve it. Check whether the contents in the box are in conformity with the packing list immediately after opening the box. The packaged equipment should be stored in the room where the relative humidity is less than 80% and the ambient air temperature is -20℃ to +55℃. Storage places should be dry, clean and airy, and can prevent the invasion of harmful gases. It is strictly forbidden to store corrosive articles in the same place. Note: It is strictly forbidden for non-professionals to disassemble equipment components.


Company Certifications

Our Factory have certifications such as CE ISO Certifications. TUV /UL /CE Certificated for Overseas on cable and wire.

Why choose us

  • Decades of Experiences: As a Chinese academy of sciences park high-tech enterprise and manufactory, our factory establised since 2002, with over 10 years factory development, our factory became famous brand in China. We believe new energy is the future, better to environment and more economical to our life. We are an integrated hi -tech electronic company. “Passion, Honesty, Sound service, Keen cooperation and Development” are our goals. We are here expecting friends all over the world!
  • Various Charging Products: Full range of charging products as well as charger accessories. Provide full support to customer after-sale services. Most of the model of produts are able to be customized.
  • For all the products that we shipped have 1 year warranty period as well as life time spare parts and accessories with competitive price .
  • Accept customized OEM ODM products.
  • Experienced foreign trade team to handle the shipment and after-sale services.
  • Efficient and fast supply chain.



  1. Charger body is easy to be fixed with anchor bolts to prevent it from inclining
    and dithering due to external and human factors.
  2. Shading and rainproof measures should be taken for chargers. It is suggested
    to install shelters outdoors.
  3. Check regularly whether all bolts in chargers are tightened, whether the connecting wires are loosened or not, or the connection is not firm, etc.
  4. Check for short circuit.
  5. Check whether the emergency stop button is available.
  6. Attention should be paid to lightning protection to ensure effective shielding
    and reliable grounding of chargers.
  7. When in use, the output voltage and current of the charger should be controlled within the nominal range to ensure that the charger works in the state of maximum efficiency.
  8. When the charger stops using, the charging output should be stopped first, then the cable should be wrapped and put back in place.
    Note: During the transportation, the chargers should be packed firmly and the
    direction of loading and unloading should be marked. It is forbidden to store and
    transport chargers upside down. Corresponding tightening measures should be taken
    to avoid strong vibration and turbulence damage to the outer packaging of equipment.

Factory Introduction

By virtue of high-quality products and services, our factory is one of China famous commercial ev charging station manufacturers. It has won many awards such as “Gazelle Enterprise”,” Excellent Software Demonstration Enterprise”, “Intelligent Manufacturing Pilot Demonstration Enterprise”, “Little Giant Enterprise in Science and Technology”. etc. It has also wined awards as “2017 Best Charging Solution Supplier”, “2018 Top 10 Charging Pile Brands in China Green Logistics Industry”,2019 Top 10 Charging Pile Brand Award, “2020 Top 10 Influential Brands in China Charging Facility Industry” and many other industry awards. Meanwhile, our commercial ev charging station factory has successfully passed the assessments as “safety production tandardization of the three-level enterprise”, “international ISO full series management system certification” and other authoritative certification.

Certificate: CE RoHS FCC CertificateWarranty:12 Months
Input Voltage:110V-380VOutput Voltage:0-750V
Working Temperature:-25℃-55℃Application: Home Use/Commercial Use
OEM Service: Color,Logo,Package, cable length, cable colorSupply Ability : 4000 Piece/Pieces per Week
Packaging & Delivery: Shanghai PortCapacity4000 Piece/Pieces per Week
Lead Time: Quantity(units) 1 – 5 5 working daysFactory TypeSupplier
Country / RegionChina/GungdongMain ProductsEV Charging Station, EV Charging Cable, EV Charging Connector
Factory employeesOver 100 peopleTotal Annual RevenueAbove US$100 Million
Main MarketsEurope
South America
Connection:type 1 or 2 plug
Mass production priceNegotiableCharger Capacity3.5kw~480kw
CurrentDC/ACPlug typeType 1,2,CHAdemo/CCS-2/CCS-1


General Requirements

General Requirements: DC Type, Ground-Mounted

Charger Capacity160KW180KW240KW

Input Requirements

AC Supply SystemThree-Phase, 5 Wire AC system
Nominal Input VoltageAC380V±15%
Input Frequency45-65Hz

Environmental Requirements

Ambient Temperature Range-25 to 55°C
Ambient Humidity5 to 95%
Storage Temperature-40 to 70°C

Mechanical Requirements

IP RatingsIP 54

Output Requirements

Number of Outputs2
Type of Each OutputDC200-750V DC150-500V(JIS)
Single Output Max. Current200 Amp
Power Factor≥0.99(50% load above)

User Interface & Display Requirements

Display & Touch-Screen Size7 Inches Touch Screen with Shell
User AuthenticationMobile Application or User Interface / QR Code/RFID Card /Password Login
Metering InformationConsumption Units

Communication Requirements

Communication between EVSE and Central serverOCPP 1.6J Protocol (Optional)
Interface between Charger and CMSEthernet/3G/4G/WIFI (Optional)

Protection & Safety Requirements

Executive StandardIEC 62196 2017, IEC 61851 2017, SAE J1772,CHAdeMO etc.
Safety ParametersOver Current, Under Voltage, Residual Current, Surge Protection, Leakage Protection, Short Circuit, Over Temperature, etc.


  • Simple operation, convenient installation;
  • High efficiency, reliable and stable performance;
  • Friendly interaction interface,7inch color touch screen;
  • Support multiple modes of chargingoperation management and payment;
  • Support 3G/4G,,Ethernet orwireless telecommunication;
  • Support RFID Card/0CPP 1.6J(optional);
  • SupportCCS-2/CCS-1/CHAdeMO connector(or Socket)optional; Overload integrated Protection;
  • Support online data upgrade.

Suitable For Travel Plazas (Express Corridors); Fleet (Buses, Last Mile Trucks, Vans); Retail (Supermarkets, Malls); Convenience Stores (C-Stores); Public Areas (Parks, Beaches, Attractions, Etc)

ac or dc ev charger – difference between ac and dc

ac ev charger

The Alternating Current is Alternating Current; DC is Direct Current. “Alternating current” is the most popular transmission mode in the general power grid nowadays. Because of its characteristics and low consumption. “Dc” is the current in the battery. It is not suitable for remote transmission, but the current state must be DC at the critical moment of charging. The power is transmitted to the home or public charging station by AC alternating current. And then it converted into DC direct current by the small “AC-DC converter (rectifier)” which attached to the car into the battery. Therefore, we often say that AC slow charge and DC fast charge in charging are actually just a state of current.

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ac charging pile station

dc charger

  1. AC EV charger is slower than DC EV Charger.
  2. Assplication scope: AC EV Charger can be used home and public, DC EV Charger used most in public.
  3. AC EV Charger is smaller and cheaper than DC EV charger.
  4. AC EV Charger power between 2KW to 43KW while DC EV Charger between 50KW to 150KW.

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FAQ (Click to see more FAQ

why is dc charging faster than ac ev charger?

On batteries, there are usually two ports: a slow charge port and a fast charge port (both actually connected to DC finally to battery). The fast charging port is directly connected to the charging port of the battery through the wire harness (fast charging port); While The slow charging port passes through an on-board charger (OBC) and is then connected to a charging port (slow charging port) in the car body. Therefore, in fact, the fast charging pile is a charger, which directly outputs the charging power to the battery. Since the charger is outside the vehicle, there can be space for it to install cold cutting, power and other equipment. It can naturally be high-power. The slow charge charger is actually in the car, and the slow charge pile only outputs a 220V power to the charger. The power of the charger in the car is how much, and the power of the slow charge cannot exceed it. The vehicle charger converts the 220V into direct current to charge the battery. The car’s interior space is small, the charger is small, and the cooling system is difficult, so liquid cooling is unlikely.

Can I buy a level 3 ev charger for home?

The Level 3 EVSE is designed for fast charging in commercial locations.The level 3 system requires 440 volts DC power and is not suitable for home use.

how much does it cost to use level 3 charger?

In order to facilitate management and reduce the occurrence of fire accidents, some communities encourage owners to park their bicycles to the parking place for charging, and set the electricity price to about 0.5 yuan per degree. The electricity price of charging piles installed in commercial places is about 0.8 yuan per degree, which is flexibly fixed according to operators. As an investment product, electric vehicles need to be purchased and installed at a cost. The specific charging standard needs to be determined by investors according to the local electricity price and the use of the vehicle. For example, the battery capacity of a certain brand of car is 82kwh, that is to say, the battery is fully drained and then filled up to 98 degrees (82 degrees ×1.2(general charging loss rate)=98.4). According to the general household first step electricity price of 0.4883 yuan/degree, it needs 48 RMB.

can all electric cars use level 3 chargers?

All three charging station types are available.If you have a PHEV with a small battery pack, you may only need Type 1 charging.For all-electric vehicles, types 2 and 3 will be the ones you use most often, if not all the time.

are there level 4 chargers?

No, there are only level 1, level 2 and level 3 ev chargers.

How we test the EV charger?

With the increasing number of new energy vehicles, the charging pile industry is also emerging, and charging pile detection is also one of the key projects for safety consideration.

What are the main test items of charging pile inspection?Noah detection experts explain: Charging pile detection is mainly divided into two directions, one is the electrical parameters of the test items, the other is the compatibility of the test items.

I. Charging pile compatibility test items

When charging, to ensure that the connection between the charging plug and the interface is safe and properly charged, it is necessary to conduct a compatibility test.Noah Test Chen Gong said: the compatibility test includes charging interface compatibility test, charging control compatibility test and charging communication compatibility test.
Second, the charging pile electrical parameters test items

To achieve stable charging, it is necessary to ensure that the output voltage, current and accuracy meet the requirements and reach the rated standard of charging the car.For example, charging pile output test is mainly aimed at the output voltage, current and accuracy of the standard unity.There are safety requirements test, mainly including output overvoltage and input undervoltage, emergency stop and other items for unified regulations.

3. Other test items

In addition to the above two charging pile detection methods, there are other charging pile detection methods, such as mechanical strength test, noise test, environmental test and other safety test detection.

In the charging pile test project, Noah test can solve the practical difficulties for enterprises, not only can improve the charging pile and its performance from the technical level, but also can provide a perfect service system.

Level 3 EV Charger Installation

The installation process of charging pile is roughly divided into three steps: property consent — installation of electricity meter — installation of charging pile

Property — Consent to property

(In addition to the above materials, other materials required by the power supply company shall also be provided, which shall be handled by the business office.)

Fill in the Registration Certificate to obtain the property consent and seal

State Grid – Installation of new energy meters

(Submit materials, on-site survey, installation of electricity meters)

Install new energy meters

The following information is required to apply for an electricity meter:

1. Application form for electricity use

2. Valid identification of customer

3. Certificate of property right of fixed parking space or license certificate of property right unit

4. The property management shall issue the certificate materials agreeing to use the charging and changing facilities and external access construction

5. Technical parameters and materials of charging pile

Installation service providers on-site installation of charging pile

Charging pile installation service provider — install charging pile and provide relevant installation qualification and product qualification

So now the owners of the pile home installation service process is not very clear, today Xiaobian will give you a detailed chat pile home installation service process:

1. Customer orders

2. The customer shall contact the owner within two working days after placing the order

Check the information. Postpone the weekend

3. Generally, charging pile installation will be completed within a week

The customer can trace the installation progress after placing the order:

Follow Zhuangjia wechat public account — charging service (installation progress query) — Input your mobile phone number and verification code to view your installation progress

If you do not find a professional installation service provider to install and choose to install by yourself, note the following:

Before installation: Check the power points

※ When selecting power points, the independent meter is preferred.For some property power supplies and transformer power supplies, due to the power points, abnormal current and voltage fluctuations may be too large, beyond the allowed charging range of the vehicle, and the charging will be terminated by the vehicle BMS.

If the power point does not meet the preceding standards during no-load measurement, do not install the power point.If you insist on installation, you shall bear the responsibility for any loss.Even if the power source passes the no-load test, it may fail to be charged due to power points after installation.After the installation is complete, observe the installation for seven days.

To ensure normal charging, the power point must be reliably grounded.

Select the installation location:
Specifications for installation materials:

Meter → leakage protection, please use YJV cable

220V charging pile: no less than 3*6mm (within 80 meters)

Or not less than 3*10mm (within 160m)

380V charging pile: no less than 5*6mm (within 80 meters)

Or not less than 5*10mm (within 160 m)

Leakage protection → charging pile, please use YJVR or RVV cable

220V charging pile: not less than 3*6mm

380V charging pile: not less than 5*6mm

※ The cable shall not be exposed during the whole installation. It needs to be protected by a hard pipe

The inner diameter of the protective pipe shall not be less than 1.5 times the outer diameter of the cable (including the protective layer).

How to charge for charging pile installation?

The charging pile installation cost is mainly divided into the construction cost of the installation personnel and the cable material cost

The installation price of charging pile is determined according to the specific situation, and the installation environment is simple and the cable is less.

If the installation environment is complex, the cable length will cost more.

Therefore, it is recommended that owners inspect their parking Spaces in advance and reduce installation costs by designing short routes. Generally, there will be multiple distribution rooms in the community. Owners can choose a relatively close parking space to save a lot of costs during installation.

Your Market Strategy:

Recommend AC dC charging at home

AC DC Chargers are Ideal for owners, businesses, and municipalities interested in EV charging solutions for employees, customers, and residents. It provides a complete set of features that station owners need to manage all aspects of the EV driving experience. These models are ideal for multi-family home fleet charging station charging and personal charging.With speed, durability and flexible configuration options, charging stations are sure to meet your fleet or multi-family charging needs.

Recommend type 2 ac charger for ev

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EV Charger Level 3 Wholesale Manufacturer In China

Level 3 EV chargers, also known as DC fast chargers, are primarily used for quick and efficient charging of electric vehicles (EVs). These chargers are designed to provide a high-powered and rapid charge, making them ideal for various applications where fast charging is essential. ChargersGO is the manufacturer and wholesaler for EV Charger Level 3. Please feel free to contact with us.

Slow EV Charger for Sale (Click to Get the Price List):

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